Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Life in Pandora

Title : My Life in Pandora
Media : Mecha Pencil & Drawing Pen
Softwares : PSD
Background : This illustration is depict about my life and how I want it to be. It is also tells about my personality. This illustration is actually inspired by Avatar. See the 'Pandora' floating scenery... I like it very much! I would love to see the scenery from the peak of mountain!

Bank Persatuan

Title: Print Ads Bank Persatuan
Media & Softwares : Paint Sai Tool & Adobe Illustrator
Background : Print Advertisement untuk Bank Persatuan. Logo Bank Persatuan yang asal adalah berlainan daripada yang terdapat pada iklan itu, kerana saya telah membuat penjenamaan baru untuk bank tersebut sebagai tugasan bagi subjek Corporate Branding.